Thursday, February 10, 2011

Corporate Social Responsibility Diversity Strategy

By: Paul Carter

Loblaws recently developed a formal corporate responsibility strategy that focuses on the company respecting the diverse nature of our country and ensuring that the all of its workers across the country enjoy their work and are happy with the company.
In regards to diversity Loblaws has implemented a council that focuses directly on how to recruit and engage individuals from diverse backgrounds and make them want to work for a company such as Loblaws. Another strategy they are implementing is to hire more women into senior management roles. So far this strategy has been effective in that they have hired more women in the role of store managers in their stores. They have set up a group for female employees to connect with one another via the internet and engage one another in support and professional development opportunities. Also discussed are hiring practices of recent post secondary graduates into various positions within the Loblaws brand.
In my opinion, the implementation of a diversity strategy into the company’s policies will not only make for a more satisfied and productive workforce, but it will also allow for the company to stay on the cutting edge of recent developments in Canadian culture. By constantly working on ways to keep employees happy will result in a much more satisfied and productive workforce. Also, finding ways to diversify their workforce will ensure that there are equal opportunity hiring occurring at all stores. By ensuring the hiring of a diverse workforce, Loblaws is keeping on the cutting edge of what is considered to be equal opportunity for everyone regardless of gender, ability or ethnicity.
Through the use of Corporate Social Responsibility procedures Loblaws is shaking up its workforce to ensure that the best individuals are considered for the job. Strategies are being implemented to take on individuals who in the past might not have been considered for a position and ensuring equal opportunities.
Loblaw’s is also working with various community non-profit organizations to promote hiring individuals with disabilities. This not only works to expand their workforce but also is good for their overall brand image. It is clear, based on this article, that Loblaws is moving in the right direction and adopting a strong sense of Corporate Social Responsibility illustrating that they as a company are willing to move forward and adopt practices that keep them on par with changes in Canadian culture.

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