Friday, March 11, 2011

Oil at any Means Necessary?
We as society are addicted to oil. I’m sure most of you that are reading this are aware of this, but I wanted to point out to what extremes we take to get our oil.
In Ecuador they are choosing to clear parts of the vital parts of the Amazon rainforest just to get at oil. They are going against demands of the indigenous people. The oil companies are going as far as making personal deals with the military of Ecuador in order to receive protection. In return the military receives oil, food, living quarters, and medical care. The oil companies rely on the military to crush local resistance, and after they are crushed the oil company moves in clears away the land from the indigenous people. Also in this agreement the oil companies are allowed to order the military to follow their orders, even if it breaks the Ecuador’s constitution, and their basic human rights.
This sadly this is a common trend throughout the oil producing countries of Latin America, and throughout the world. I am not one of those people that are against the use of oil, I just feel we are getting to the point that we are starting to go into withdrawal for oil. We are starting to search for oil out right dangerous areas. We are digging deeper than ever to find to find those pockets of oil that haven’t been touch by our 100 years of oil exploration. There has already been example of how this can go wrong; the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico last year.
So next time you fill up your car at the oil pumps just try to think where the gasoline came from, and What damage had to be done to the earth to get!

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