Friday, February 22, 2013

Interface, Inc. - Brittany Carrick

While reading over the Interface case in order to study for the midterm, it was brought to my attention how important sustainability is in today's day and age. I find it admirable that companies are even taking the environment into consideration. Corporations are so focused on making a profit that they rarely take into consideration anything else. Interface has many different policies and products that promote sustainability and encourage sustainability.Everything that Interface does is acting towards their 'Mission Zero' commitment which is the goal of eliminating any negative impact their company has on the environment by 2020.

This is a huge step for not only this company, but the business world as well. In a time where the environment is more important than ever,companies like this flourish because individuals are able to see their effort in constantly improving. I hope that this is only the beginning and that companies follow the trend because companies are truly inconsiderate in terms of who they affect on their journey to make the largest amount of profit.

One of their most recent products is called FLOR which is carpet squares which are not only convenient but environmentally friendly as well. Each square is created using 100 percent recycled nylon fibers.
They also have an Internal Transportation Program that they follow which is called Trees for Travel. This program is designed to track and reduce carbon emissions. Interface plants trees in order to work toward reducing carbon emissions, thus far they have planted over 130,000 trees.

Overall, I enjoy the fact that they have such a great goal and they are constantly working on meeting it. On their website they list their challenges and how they intend on overcoming them. This shows how they are being completely open with their customers and how dedicated they are to their Mission Zero commitment.


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