Friday, March 23, 2012

Benfits of CSR

Corporate Social Responsibility Benefits
knew Corporate Social Responsibility had benefits if you were to get a CSR department
in your company but I never realize how many benefits there were if you were to
take on CSR practices. I found a couple articles online that describes many benefits
for a company if they took on CSR. I find
it interesting how doing some simple things can change your reputation of your
company and gain new customers. Some of the things a company will gain from
taking on CSR practices can be
getting a good reputation which then will make it easier to recruit employees.
So then employees may stay longer which will reduce cost and disruption of
recruitment/retraining. Also, if a company changes its ways and starts using
sustainable energy, employees will feel better about it, and be more
motivated/productive. Which I agree with totally, if I knew the company I was
working for was doing good things for the environment, it would make me feel I was
doing something good, and make me work more productive for the company. I found
it interesting that involvement with the local community has ideal
opportunities to generate positive
press coverage: which then could gain more reliable customers depending
on the type of business. Trying to generate good relationships with local
authorities makes doing business easier. For example, some
local authorities prefer to award contracts to businesses with a record of
community involvement. (Work with Local Community ) There are many ways
you can contribute to the community you could choose to support a local
charity, or sponsor a local event. It would make sense to get involved in an
activity related to your product. For
example, some restaurants provide food to local homeless groups, while builders
may give free labour and materials to community projects. (Work with Local Community ) There is just so
many things a business can do to improve their company, and gain so much. I
never fully understand what CSR is, but now I can see so much can come from it.

By Marissa Hanrahan

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